Wednesday, October 31, 2012

My Decision 2012: The Vice President

The Vice President

Rep. Paul Ryan (WI) is the person that Mitt Romney has chosen to be his running mate. Unfortunately, Ryan has a worldview that runs counter to everything American. He is on-record as saying that he has based much of his political beliefs on Ayn Rand’s writings. Her writings and opinions (which I have mentioned elsewhere) are based on greed and utter selfishness. Much of what most people, regardless of their place on the political spectrum, believe to be good and admirable Rand believes to be bad and undesirable. There is film of Rand talking about her beliefs.

This is the person that potential Vice President Paul Ryan uses as a foundation of governing. Should Romney win the election and thereafter something happens to him rendering him unable to execute his office, is Paul Ryan the person you would want in the Oval Office? For my part, that is a huge NO. The foundation of America has never been selfishness. We are in this country together. We work together to form a more perfect union. Though some would try to paint that as socialism or communism, it has in actuality been what made this land great: from the days of the colonies and the revolution to today.

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden understand this, and it has been a guiding philosophy of theirs since day one. We saw it in the economic recovery act, we saw it in the Affordable Healthcare Act. We see it in how this administration is pushing for rebuilding America’s crumbling infrastructure on which we all, from the wealthiest to the poorest, depend on a daily basis. The people in charge should realize that no person  is an island, nor does he or she, no matter how much drive they have, succeed solely on their own. We are like a team: we win together, and we lose together.

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