Pope Benedict stated that the reason for people being molested by pedophile priests is a mystery. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the Vatican sheltering said priests instead of turning them over to the police. Seriously, why do people bother listening to this Pope?
Mitt Romney thinks gay parents are inferior to straight parents. I guess that's fair since I think he is an inferior (and awkward) political candidate.
J.P. Morgan Chase, that bank that recently lost billions of dollars, gets a HUGE taxpayer funded subsidy...which it uses to screw over its clients by making unduly risky decisions. Your tax dollars at work folks.
After announcing support for marriage equality, Carrie Underwood has received some nasty backlash from fans and so-called Christians. Also it is apparently un-country to be vegan. You learn something new everyday I suppose.
Ever wonder what caused the holocaust? Apparently, according to "Joe the Plumber" (who is running for Congress), it was gun control.
After being banned from speaking in the Michigan state assembly for saying "vagina," two female legislators performed "The Vagina Monologues" on the steps of the state House to a large crowd. Now THAT is some creative retaliation right there.
Despite so many people clambering for Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) to be number two on the GOP ticket, it seriously looks like that will not happen this go-round.
A group of Catholic nuns is going on the road to fight for social justice and highlighting the church's work with the homeless and the sick instead of doing what the Vatican wants them to do...you know, like demogoging against the gays (silly nuns).
And lastly, new HRC President Chad Griffin talks about the plight of LGBT youth.
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