Friday, October 28, 2011

The Religious Wrong: The Real Nazis?

Maybe I wasn't paying attention, but I must have missed the part where Christians were being rounded up and sent to Concentration Camps. Thus, the analogy falls apart. German Jews weren't spewing hate the way that these types of Christians (though not all Christians) are, so there, the analogy falls apart. German Jews weren't trying to get laws passed to restrict the rights of other Germans, so there, the analogy falls apart. Come to think of it, it was Nazis who were doing all of those things, which I guess would make "Matt Barber" type Christians the real Nazis in this analogy. Go figure that.

Also, just because SPLC has called you out on your hateful bigotry doesn't make them hard left-wing radicals. I guess the truth really does hurt or else Liberty Counsel wouldn't lash out like this.

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