Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Rick Perry on Abstinence Education

Here is what we know. We know that states that teach abstinence only education have far higher rates of teen pregnancy and teen sexually transmitted diseases compared to states that teach comprehensive sex education. This is because abstinence only education just does not work. I agree that people should refrain from sexual activity until they are emotionally mature enough to understand the ramifications of sex and sexual relationships. The problems is that most teen are not emotionally mature enough to understand that they should be emotionally mature before having sex. This is why it is so important to arm teens with knowledge so that they are far less likely to make mistakes when it comes to having SAFE sex. I have to wonder why people like Rick Perry are so against people having the requisite knowledge to help them avoid mistakes that could in one way or another haunt them for a very long time?

I would also think that conservatives social and fiscal, would be for comprehensive sex education. After all, this would mean fewer unwanted pregnancies and, thus, fewer abortions. It would also mean fewer people who would need welfare and other social programs and thus, less spending by the government. Everybody wins. But then again, this is me using something that too many social conservatives lack...LOGIC!!!

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