Monday, March 5, 2012

The Wrap-Up: March 5, 2012

Republican operatives and politicians appear to be looking for an end to the nomination process on Super Tuesday (with 10 states having primaries/caucuses), which is tomorrow.

Nancy Pelosi lambasted the Republican party on their governmental priorities (i.e. yes to controlling what women and gays can do, no to protecting the environment, education, health, etc.).

Rush Limbaugh offered a half-assed apology for calling Sandra Fluke a slut (for advocating for contraception). Even as big as he is, half-assed is NOT enough. Of course I'm convinced that the apology has more to do with the fleeing advertisers than any genuine sincerity.

Speaking of contraception, it has had some very significant long-term economic implications.

Rick Santorum may be regretting calling President Obama a snob for being pro-university. That stance certainly hasn't been helping him in his presidential race.

The American Family Association calls for a boycott (or as the group's president calls it when liberals boycott, "Economic Terrorism") for having an Archie comic with two men getting married. What happened next is pretty hilarious and awesome.

Virginia's legislautre has defeated something being referred to as the "Tebow Bill."

And lastly, there were some great responses by celebs and (former) fans to Kirk Cameron's homophobic remarks.

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