Saturday, July 21, 2012

RWNJ: Blame Gays For Colorado Shooting

An American pundit is saying acceptance of gays and lesbians in liberal churches and media led to the tragic shootings in Aurora, Colorado.

Anti-gay group American Family Association’s news director Fred Jackson made these comments while discussing the Batman movie theater shooting that killed 12 people.

According to Right Wing Watch, he believes because Americans no longer fear God and hell, and growing more welcoming of gays and lesbians in churches, it is no wonder ‘why all these terrible things are happening to us’.
On his radio show AFA Today, Jackson said: ‘I know the AFA Journal has been dealing with denominations that no longer believe in the God of the Bible, they no longer believe that Jesus is the only way of salvation, they teach that God is OK with homosexuality, this is just increasing more and more.
If you read the article on from there, it just gets more bizarre as he starts making even more unsubstantiated and ludicrous claims.

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