Friday, November 16, 2012

Is Santorum Running Again?

Rick Santorum is already planning and organizing his campaign for the Republican 2016 presidential election season. Santorum, who lost badly this year, ran on a platform of religious anti-gay and anti-immigrant hate — exactly the positions that some in the GOP are now just starting to realize hurt Mitt Romney‘s chances, however small they were, of winning the White House.

Santorum is a questionable candidate among younger voters, women, the LGBT community, the African American community, the Hispanic community, and other minorities, and his abrasive and condescending demeanor doesn’t help either. By 2016, America will be so over the Rick Santorums they’ll have to find another country to try to rule.

“A leading evangelical leader who is close to Santorum and asked not to be identified, told The Christian Post on Wednesday that Santorum is ‘organizing and making all the necessary preparations’ for another run in the 2016 Republican primary,” the Christian Post reports...
It could be argued that many of the things that got Republicans in trouble, especially in regards to women, contraception, religion's role in government, etc., will only be exacerbated by Rick Santorum  who is very socially conservative. Meanwhile, if Hillary ends up running in 2016, she will eat him alive. That would be one Hell of a campaign.


  1. Replies
    1. I'm personally anti-theocracy and pro-education, so he has no chance of getting my vote.
