Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives?

I want to specifically point out something the David mentioned, that the fear centers in the brain are generally larger in conservatives. When you take into account the fear-based tactics used by many conservative politicians, this makes sense. In terms of being against marriage equality, we hear all sorts of doomsday scenarios; the breakdown of society (which has not happened in the countries that have marriage equality nationally), the potential damage done to children (which is not backed by fact), that it could lead to people marrying animals (again, this has not happened in nations with marriage equality). We see it in other policy areas. Remember in the run-up to our invasion of Iraq, Condoleezza Rice said that we should not let the smoking gun (for Iraq having weapons of mass destruction) be a mushroom cloud? Fear is in constant use by the political right here in the States. I think we now know why.

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