Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rick Welts on Coming Out

Rick Welts, President/CEO of the Phoenix Suns, is one of the numerous sports figures to come out as gay over the last few days (seriously, there have been a lot of them lately). Here is an interview that aired last night:

The only criticism I have about this interview is that Eliot Spitzer mentions Magic Johnson coming out as HIV+. We all know that there is a swath of people who believe that it is a "gay" disease and it seems that Spitzer mentioning the two (HIV and being gay) in the same interview may tap into that...which is obviously unfortunate. Lastly, that final statement by Welts, the one about marriage and the word equal, was pitch perfect.

Side Note: He is 57. If I look that good at that age, all count myself lucky.

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